Last Week in the Links: 01/01-01/07/2018
Kept things close to home this week but I still got what you crave. LINKS!
This Site!
I told everyone what to change, pop culture wise, in the year to come in my Tuesday List.
People want Zack Snyder's version of Justice League. There's a lot of reasons they will probably never see it. I clue them in.
The January Project!
Tech advances spell doom in "Boy in the Bubble"
He wants to "Go With the Flow," but he also stole the photo so maybe he's just not quite ready yet.
The voices are calling for him to "Claim Your Ghosts," but sometimes the past is too much to let go off..
He made, "Hands Down," the worst opening move she was ever privvy to receiving.
Are "21 Questions" enough to tell you if someone is made for you? Well this guy seems to think so.
She found "Mean Spirits" and considerably more partying in her backyard, but the real bad news was who her boyfriend really was.
No one in this story is screaming "I Need a Doctor" because, seemingly, death has no power over them any longer.
A Writer's Commentary pulls the week to a close, discussing my process for each of Week 1's stories.