Last Week in the Links: 02/05-02/18/2018
Two weeks means more LINKS!
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Two weeks also means four Tuesday Lists. Why, you ask? After all it should just be two? Well, I don't play by the rules.
I took a CBR headline about women super hero movies falling into a rut and gave it a solid mocking for being all kinds of dumb.
Similarly dumb was the Lady Doritos from a few weeks back so I tackled that and suggested some other products that should be come "ladies only" friendly.
It's out of date now, but bookmark these two lists giving you ways to make last minute Valentine's Day and Ash Wednesday plans that won't disappoint.
Speaking of Daredevil, the film came out fifteen years ago last week. Thrill to the true story of how I and a friend watched it twice on Valentine's Day.
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I returned to my gig as official Marvel Netflix series correspondent on the Something Something Cast and we talked Punisher. Come for the close analysis, stay for the Punisher at Chuck E. Cheese discussion.