How to Talk About Black Panther
Everyone you have ever loved or even known has seen BLACK PANTHER. That’s great news because it means you can just spoil things like crazy! Like who cares right? Tell people EXACTLY what happened from start to finish. Go for it! Even if they say, “Really wanted to see it but the baby was sick so I haven’t yet,” they’re obviously lying so just spill!
Sorry, where was I?
Oh yes, everyone has seen it. That means it is easy to talk about, but hard to have something interesting to say that hasn’t been said before. However, I have the solution. Like THOR RAGNAROK before it, I’m hacking the BLACK PANTHER code and give you some comments to throw in to prove you not only are smart and discerning but also unique!
What to Say About Black Panther
BLACK PANTHER has definitely Klaw’d its way to the top of the heap when it comes to quality super hero films.
Wow, that kitty had claws. Box office claws!
Did you know Killmonger’s real last name is “Stevens”? Do you think that’s an easter egg reference to famous Marvel freelancer Tim Stevens?
M’Baku’re love of this movie!
There are many attractive people in this movie.
A better name for this movie would be Killmonger considering how it bodied the rest of this week’s release!
It makes sense that the word “panther” can be split into “pant” and “her” because Michael B. Jordan’s charisma and body is sure to leave the ladies panting!
Want a super hero movie with strong interesting women? Okoye s that movie is BLACK PANTHER!
Suck on that racists! BLACK PANTHER made a boatload of money, was really good, and survived your ridiculous “brigading” attempts!
PANTHER ran so deep into the BLACK it earned back its entire budget and then some in four days.
Everett wonder what it would be like if diverse voices were given more space in all areas of film? Check out BLACK PANTHER for the answer!
You, a simpleton: I can’t wait to use Netflix to “chill.”
Me, a smart sensitive human being: I can’t wait to use Netflix several months from now T’Challa.
Michael B. Jordan definitely "torched" our memories of that terrible FANTASTIC FOUR movie.
Anyone who tries to downplay the importance of BLACK PANTHER and representation need T’Chaka their privilege.
BLACK PANTHER won’t leave you K Ross, I guarantee that!
A better name for this movie would be Killmonger considering how it bodied most other comic book movies in terms of quality!
Shuri now people will stop claiming all Marvel movies are the same, right?
Suck on that studio execs! BLACK PANTHER made a boatload of money, was really good, and crushed internationally despite your outdated prejudices regarding casts of color!