January 8, 2020: Sweet Disposition

Song: “Sweet Disposition” by Temper Traps from Conditions

Listen to it here

(from pixabay.com)

(from pixabay.com)

THE MAN walks around the tree, testing branches until he finds one he feels confident about.

THE MAN (sighing deeply to calm self, begins to climb)

Ok, Gretchen, I'm coming. Just sit tight. I'll be there as soon as I can. Don't panic. I'm not panicking so you don't panic either.

THE MAN goes quiet while climbing further.


I know you're scared. I'm scared too. But we're going to be ok. I'll be there before you know it and it'll all be fine.

I know this isn't the time but look how high you get! Remember when you so were so scared of being outside? I'd show you this three and you used to just scream your head off? Could you imagine being such a good climber then? I've always been your biggest fan and even I couldn't imagine you doing this so well. I hope you can be proud of yourself after we get down.

THE MAN reaches a long thin branch and reaches for it. He swings up on to it, straddling the branch. He begins to pull himself forward with a grimace. 


See? Look how close I am. I'll be there in no time. And I tell you what. I know mommy doesn't like you having sweets but after we get down we'll go in and have ourselves a big bowl of ice cream. Our secret reward for you being such a good climber and being so brave right now. Sound good Gretchen?

For the first time we see Gretchen. Gretchen is a small black and white cat. She meows, as if in sad agreement.


That’s the plan then! Ice cream for all!

THE MAN continues to shimmy forward until he can reach Gretchen. He sits up. The branch bounces slightly but both manage to stay on. He reaches out, snags Gretchen’s collar and drags her to him. He pulls her into his arms and nuzzles her.


See! We did it! Yay!

The branch lurches and creaks.

THE MAN (resigned)

Oh darn.

With a snap the branch breaks and down they fall disappearing from view. 

THE MAN (groaning)

Well…we made it. Not how I intended but here’s the ground. Gimme a sec and then…ice cream. 

A pause


What? Noooo! Don't climb it again!

Gretchen meows.