January 7, 2020: Honeybear

Song: “Honeybear” by Yeah Yeah Yeahs from Show Your Bones

Listen to it here

(from four-paws.rorg)

(from four-paws.rorg)

It was early fall in the forest, a wonderful time indeed. The heat of August was receding but the chill of November was still far enough away to pretend it would not exist, could not exist.

Mr. Bear was positively in his cups. Preparation for hibernation had begun and that was his favorite time of year. Sure, he enjoyed the slumber of winter, the weeks of rest that made him energetic enough to face the new world of Spring. And yes that new world of Spring was delightful in its way. He even found things to recommend about the sweltering summer months, the only time of year he regretted his thick luxurious fur.

But fall? Fall was a grand ‘ol time. A real and true delight. Perfect weather, the tourists thinning out, the animals just enjoying themselves that much more.

And then there was the eating. Oh, the eating. Nuts. Berries. The occasional bit of meat, Mr. Bear acknowledged guiltily.

But best of all was the honey. The delicious oooey, gooey honey.

Now contrary to popular belief, bears are not as into honey as you might expect. That’s marketing and pop culture making you think that which is inaccurate. But don’t blame yourself, little ones, if you thought bears did love honey. That’s what the stories tell you. That’s what the bottle in your cabinet filled with the thick golden liquid wants you to believe.

See, though, it is not just people that are affected by advertising and tales. Humans may convince themselves they need to be thin to be loved or will never be happy until they own that gadget or never know true fulfillment until they join that “not religious but spiritual” movement.

Mr. Bear though? Mr. Bear became convinced he should try honey. And when he did, he was hooked.

Mr. Bear was a sophisticated sort of ursine and he loathed to work too hard for his food. No matter how he loved honey, getting stun for a taste was a most unpleasant proposition for him. So he took to ordering his honey online. A local independent organization to be sure. Mr. Bear was a very conscious consumer.

And so we all grew used to his twice a season honey deliveries. Used to the arrival. Used to Mr. Bear’s lopsided grin and self-satisfied growl. Used to but deeply resentful of his lack of sharing.

And that’s why, little ones, that’s way we’re going to take it all from him. Because here in the forest, as it is in your neighborhoods, your apartments, your vast estates, if the powerful come between you and what you want, well that’s an injustice isn’t it? And if the powerful are practicing injustice, you have a moral obligation to right the scales. You simply must steal what you want.

Remember that little ones. Earn what you can, take everything else. Our society is unjust, same as yours. And when society is unjust then morality is bankrupt. And if morality is bankrupt, all that matters is getting yours.

Go get yours little ones. Let no one in power stand in your way.