January 24, 2020: Little Black Backpack

Song: “Little Black Backpack” by Stroke 9 from The Mix o’ the Moment

Listen to it here

Jan 24 Little Black Backpack.jpg

DEVIN and a few of his classmates are talking around a study table, giggling, and pointing at HENRY, nearby. HENRY tries to ignore them, but they continue, their volume rising. Then someone says a gay slur and DEVIN laughs heartily.

HENRY (rolling his eyes, spinning around)

You wanna take this outside?!

The boys go quiet. They might be in a group but HENRY is bigger than them and more popular. They’re just being dumb jerks but not THOSE KIND of dumb jerks. When they don’t fight back,

HENRY sighs in relief and turns back to his work.

A beat later, the bell rings.

HENRY heads out, unaware of DEVIN following closely behind. Just as HENRY reaches his locker, DEVIN taps him on the shoulder. HENRY turns and visibly sags upon seeing DEVIN.

HENRY (annoyed)



I think you’re right. I do think we should take this outside.

HENRY (almost bored)



Yes. I have dishonored you and you deserve satisfaction.




I tried to be cool and I went along with some truly reprehensible behavior. A duel is a reasonable request.


That was just—look we don’t have to fight.


No. We do.


Devin, I’m serio—

DEVIN walks away as HENRY is in mid-sentence.

DEVIN (as he walks down the hall to anyone and everyone)

In the parking lot everyone! Fifteen minutes. Henry and I will be setting terms to fight! I have besmirched his honor and he demands satisfaction. Come one, come al! Parking lot! Henry and I fighting!

HENRY slams his locker and briefly rests his head against.

CUT: School parking lot. A crowd has gathered around the bed of a truck. They part as HENRY walks up to join DEVIN.

DEVIN (gesturing to another student)

Franz was nice enough to let us use his truck to lay out our weapons.

HENRY (noncommittally)

Thanks Fr—

HENRY (interrupting self)

Wait! Weapons?!

DEVIN (nodding)

Yes, as the offended party, you can and have initiated the duel process. As the accused it is therefore my right to set the terms. That includes our weapons. Don’t worry, I have selected a delightful aware of choices.

HENRY (taking a step back and shaking his head)

I don’ think this is a—

Someone steps forward and tosses a length of a chain onto the truckbed.

DEVIN (smiling widely)

First, I think it is very important to acknowledge the classic. Therefore I have selected a chain. Made of steel and gleaming, it is an attention getter in more than one way. Now, Henry, do you have a chain of your own?


For fighting?! Of course not.

DEVIN (tsking his tongue)

Fiiiiine. I anticipated this.

DEVIN gestures to someone. He steps forward and tosses another length of cable on the bed.


There you go. Your chain.

Now, for our next weapon, I went with a classy weapon full of nobility and demanding of technique. The tipped foil! With its blunted point, it offers all the flash of a sword fight with no skin piercing! Do you have a foil, Henry?


I…ah…I think my dad still has his from college.

DEVIN (arching his eyebrows)

Oh splendid. Wonderful! What an excellent surprise. At this time of day we have to delay the fight til tomorrow anyway so it is no inconvenience at all for you to fetch that.


I don’t even want t—

DEVIN (ignoring him)

Now this last weapon, this is a treat. I confess the sword got me in the mindset of bladed weapons. And every good fight needs a little bit of blood soooo

DEVIN’s weapon guy stops forward again with an ornate box. He opens it to reveal a knife, glittering with jewels, inside.


What the hell?!

DEVIN (picking it up and spinning it about)

It is a cursed jeweled dagger! It is bad luck to use it to kill someone but to cut them? No problem! Thus, this is not just a challenge to the attacked to avoid it but the attacker to limit the damage of their instrument. Glorious, no?

I’m almost certain you don’t have one of these, do you Henry?


What? No! Of course no! Why do you have one?!

DEVIN (shrugs)

Terribly lucky I suppose! Anyway, I did anticipate this. No shame at all, Henry. Most don’t have cursed jeweled daggers, which is a pity.

The weapons man steps forward with a map.


Thankfully I have located one locally that should be…interesting to locate but not particularly hard.


I’m not finding a jeweled dagger.


Correct! You are finding a CURSED jeweled dagger.


I’m not going to fight you!


Well that is no way to win, sir!


This is—


Oh do be calm, I will show you the steps. Don’t worry so much.

First, you will start out by driving to Martindale, the next town over. You can also ride you bike, but I’d recommend driving. Let’s you save energy and honestly, I don’t want to cut too much into your evening. Homework and family time is very important.

So you drive to Martindale and once there you search for the Old Mill. Behind the Mill there is a service road. It looks a bit rough but I promise besides the occasional bump it is quite safe and driveable. You’ll head down this

As DEVIN continues on, HENRY grows increasingly agitated. He tries to interrupt multiple times to no avail. Finally with a groan of frustration mixed with resignation, he steps forward and throws a punch. It hits DEVIN’s jaw and he crumples to the ground.


You said you wanted to fight! Fine, now we’re fighting.

As he sounds over DEVIN, who does not stand, just looks up rubbing his jaw, HENRY becomes progressively aware of the crowd booing him. Two classmates step forward to help DEVIN to his feet. One of them spits on the ground near HENRY.

CLASSMATE #2 (in a shaming tone)

You brute!

The crowd slowly dissipates with several people criticizing HENRY who can only stand there, confused and shaking his head.