January 3, 2019: My Body
“My Body” by Young the Giant from Young the Giant
Pistons rise and fall
A rhythm of industry from times past
Thump thump thump
Steam spewing forth
Twisting and curling above the town
Hiss hiss hisssssssssss
His feet smacked the pavement
The queasy thrill of accomplished pain sailing through him
Thwack thwack thwack
Heart hit double time
Trying to outpace the lactic acid
BaBump babump babump
Closer they drew
Verging on a single tract of land
Thump-Thwack thump-thwack thump-thwak
Steam and blood racing
Effort boiling, literally and figuratively
Hiss-BaBump hiss-babump hiss-babump
Then he was leaping
Breaking gravity’s hold
The whistle shrieks
A warning of no value
Tumbling he hits the gravel
Laughing and wheezing in equal measure
Heeeeeee heeeeeeee heeeeeeeee
The machine powers on
If impressed, unwilling to say