Writer's Commentary: Amelia
On Post: Amelia
Date: January 26, 2014
To begin with, in case you’re new to reading The January Project or it just did not occur to you, the PI character, Sam, from his first appeared in a 2011 entry called “Daisychain” which I would recommend reading. It is, personally, one of my favorites and, I would argue, a better deployment of this character.
Again though, this is not to say I consider this one a failure. It is just one that shows off the downside of the one draft approach that I use on The January Project. The bones are here. I like the parents of the presumed victim, I like that I’m getting to use a character that I’ve already used which is fun, and I like the twist that Sam eventually works himself into. However, everything laid on the bones does not quite work. On a second pass, I think I would be able to work a lot of those kinks out.