The Tuesday List (Fill-in): Some 90's Comic Book Heroes I Won't Apologize for Liking

The "real" Tuesday List comes tomorrow and keeps X-Files Month rolling. Unfortunately, I had some family stuff that made it impossible for today so here's a quickie fill-in list.

Some 90's Comic Book Heroes I Won't Apologize for Liking (In No Particular Order and Non-Comprehensive)

1.) Aztek

2.) Scarlet Spider

3.) Zauriel

4.) Darkhawk

5.) Thunderstrike

6.) Century

7.) Firebrand (DC version)

8.) Sleepwalker

9.) Annex

10.) Triumph

"And I have to ask, are you sure you mean me?" (Image from

"And I have to ask, are you sure you mean me?" (Image from