Last Week in the Links: 10/13-10/19/2014

On This Site

Last week's The Tuesday List let you know exactly the correct order to arrange your R.E.M. collection in term of quality.

The Rest of the Internet

Over on, I dug deep into those sweet armored costumes of the 90's and, I expect, changed the world in the process. 

Daredevil, working that deep stretch. (image from

Daredevil, working that deep stretch. (image from

Coming This Week

Besides The Tuesday List, the site is introducing a brand new feature, Beholding Bigelow, in which I will watch and discuss each of Kathryn Bigelow's cinematic efforts. First on the docket is 1989's cop thriller BLUE STEEL. Look for that Wednesday.

Also, hopefully, the return of The Serpico Mixes. Hopefully!