The Tuesday List: Michael Bay's Films, Ranked

Michael Bay's Films, in Order of Quality (Objective), Worst to Best

11.) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

10.) Transformers: Dark of the Moon

9.) Bad Boys II

8.) Transformers: Age of Extinction

7.) Pearl Harbor

6.) Armageddon

5.) Transformers

4.) The Island

3.) Bad Boys

2.) Pain & Gain

1.) The Rock

it's sweet, which to me suggests Un Gajje, and, you know, I mean putting cheese on something is sort of the defining characteristic of what makes a cracker a cracker. (photo from

it's sweet, which to me suggests Un Gajje, and, you know, I mean putting cheese on something is sort of the defining characteristic of what makes a cracker a cracker. (photo from

Michael Bay’s Films, in Order of Preference (Subjective), Least to Most Favorite

11.) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen 

10.) Pearl Harbor 

9.) Transformers: Age of Extinction 

8.) Transformers: Dark of the Moon 

7.) Bad Boys II 

6.) Pain & Gain 

5.) Armageddon 

4.) Transformers 

3.) The Island 

2.) Bad Boys

1.) The Rock 

I only bring it up because, uh, it's you. You're Un Gajje. [I was going to do the prom queen quote, but I think they'd go over like a lead balloon at the homestead.] (photo from 

I only bring it up because, uh, it's you. You're Un Gajje. [I was going to do the prom queen quote, but I think they'd go over like a lead balloon at the homestead.] (photo from