Writer's Commentary- Capital G
January 17, 2012: I Have the Touch
Writer's Commentary- Good Morning
The only really “interesting” about the process on this one was the fact that it went through several similar but still different iterations to get here. The first was just a straight forward first person prose piece. Then, I introduced the journal element and made the writer very introspective and moody, totally brooding on this without any prompting. That still wasn’t working for me, so I carried it out further and had him reaching a sort of resolution with his father wherein his father points out the experiences the guy has had, how his degree makes the job he wants to do a closer reality than just a high school diploma does and so on. I actually liked that draft, but I couldn’t get over the feeling that it was just me using the piece to “argue” against Kanye West’s dislike of college education (as presented by this and other songs) and that’s just a waste of everyone’s time. Finally I hit upon the outsider points it out, which gave the character a little less…I’ll go ahead and say, “whininess” than he did back in that first draft. So…there you go.
January 16, 2012: America's Suitehearts
Writer's Commentary- Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes
January 15, 2012: Dominos
Frontier - w4m (Brunswick)
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Writer's Commentary- Everybody's Fool
January 14, 2012: Set Fire to the Third Bar
January 13, 2012: A Feeling of Thoughtful Sadness
Writer's Commentary: Once in a Lifetime
Generally speaking, I do like to write in second person. Despite “including” the reader as the lead, I find it pretty distancing. Like, I know I am not going up the stairs to the spooky house, I am reading a story. By telling me otherwise, you force me to consider the lie of it. It’s a lot easier to hook someone and make them accept suspension of reality when you don’t inform them they are right in the middle of the action when they can easily see they are sitting on their couch.
January 12, 2012- Jane Fonda (Reader's Choice)
(Picture taken from http://updates.mainetoday.com/blogs/single-slice/the-whirligig-of-time)
Writer's Commentary: Lemon
The difficulty with “Lemon” is that it pulls for two approaches at once. The song, taken as a whole, is a weird, weird thing. The song is almost entirely sung in Bono’s falsetto and the backing music is bizarre and distorted. If you watch the video, as I did, to get a better hold of the song, things just got odder.
On the other hand, the lyrics themselves, stripped of all that artifice are actually fairly straightforward. The sunglassed one says they are specifically concerned with a man trying to capture a memory using technology. In the writing, however, they are general enough that they seem to be about the idea, in general of capturing the fleeting things in our lives, be they emotions or memories, in a way that lets us look back on them and share them with others.
So to honor both of those disparate halves, I tried to both the lyrics to the forefront and makes the details a little weird. Hence, the abstract diorama as a token of undying love.
Unfortunately, it feels pretty inert on the page. The only line that seems to have any juice behind it at all, for me, is when the girlfriend literally defines what a diorama is to her friend’s query of “What is it?” Otherwise, it is an okay idea undone but blah execution. Hopefully you felt differently, but sadly, that’s how it felt to me.
Interesting side note that did not occur to me until I had already posted Lemon. A friend of mine from college dated a guy for a time who would make dioramas. I believe he did gift them to her, but it might have been something they did together as, like, a bonding craft project. Either way, though, it just shows you that your brain is storing random bits of stuff all the time and that stuff will influence you and leak out in all kinds of ways.
January 11, 2012: World Waits for You
CD Number: 14
Track Number 12
Three days later, Glen pulled up to the address Mr. Perez gave him. It was a grey saltbox with dark blue shutters. The lawn looked pristine. At the end of the driveway, a white wooden sign blew gently back and forth. The lettering informed curious passerbys that “Breaking the News, Inc.” was run out of this property.
Before Glen could even knock, Mr. Perez was pulling the door open. The older, elderly really, man looked like a taller, blacker Hans Moleman who had his DNA spliced with a turtle. Despite his obvious agedness, he walked with perfect posture at a decent clip into what Glen imagined had been a family room long ago and was now a conference room, complete with smart board, long oak table, and a beautiful buffet already prepped with a pitcher of water and a bowl of fresh fruit. Glen accepted the offer of a glass of water and a bunch of grapes and took a seat when offered.
Mr. Perez began to speak in a clear, sonorous voice, first apologizing for the ad. Evidently, the present of Breaking the News had a nephew who gave his uncle a collection of current words and phrases to punch up the ad and the president has applied them a bit recklessly. He then praised Glen for still taking a chance on it and started to advocate for the company’s credentials, explaining how long he had been with them, how they had locations in every state in the United States and at least one country on every continent. He described benefit structures, signing bonuses, and shockingly generous number of vacation and sick days even for new hires. It all sounded great but by the end of the 20 minute presentation Glen remained unclear on what exactly we do.
“Like, ‘You have cancer?’”
“No, Glen, that’s a medical condition we prefer to leave to medical professionals. We’d be great at the initial reveal, but the follow-up questions…we’re not prepared for that sort of thing.”
“So…what then?”
“Lots of things: ‘That girl will never love you.’ ‘Your father will never forgive you for not taking over the family business.’ ‘You are officially too old to realize insert life goal here.’ If people are realizing some of the harsh realities of life, we are there.”
“Really? But I’ve never heard of your company…”
“We strive for discretion. We’re not here to be famous, we’re here to perform an important duty.”
“How do people even know to ask you for your services? Why…why would they hire you?”
“They wouldn’t Glen. We don’t work for ‘them.’ We are not saesmen or advertisers or marketing gurus. We have no ‘product.’ We simply go where we should. If it’s benign bad news, we are there.”
“How come I’ve never seen you then? I’ve had my fair share of bad news and we’ve never spoken.”
“Actually, that’s not true. Remember Philomena? From seventh grade?”
“Sure. Sat next to me in homeroom and math. I thought she was beautiful for the longest time.”
“And what happened?”
“I woke up one morning and realized she’d never be interested in me. So I decided to give it up and look for a crush who’d be as interested in me as I was in them”
“Almost right. You did not just realize. We told you.”
“…I have no memory of that.”
“That’s because we are that good.”
“No, no,” Glen began to laugh, “You’re just screwing with me. What’s the real deal?”
“Trust me, Glen, this is the realest of deals,” Mr. Perez insisted. “Do me a favor and think about that morning that you decided you would crush on other girls. Close your eyes if you’d like.”
Glen played along, thinking that even though he’d still not have a job, he’d have a great story for his friends.
“I’m…I’m alone in my room. I have this yearbook thing with Philomena’s picture in it and I take it out and stared at it. My heart feels so big and so sore at the same time. I put the book away and then…wait…what the hell!”
Glen’s eyes popped open and he stumbled back in his chair.
“There was someone in my damn room!” he shouted, blanching, “This guy…Spanish maybe. Short. Wearing a tweed suit. He just…my God…he’s the one that told me. How is that—”
Mr. Perez waved him off, “I can’t speak to the actual mechanics. It just is. If everyone did what you just did, took the time to really remember when they felt disappointment, let go of dream, had negative epiphanies, they'd remember we were there. But who'd ever want to do that?”
“Wow…wow,” Glen said with a heavy sigh.
“So do you think this is a job for you?” Mr. Perez asked, holding out a thin folder emblazoned with company logo and ‘company handbook’ in gold letters.
Then, it will be across town for a two-fer. First, Glen has to let Vern Dorsell that he should probably come to terms with the fact that his wife is not, ever, going to do the “weird stuff” in bed. No matter how many times he makes puppy dog eyes at her or washes the dishes. Then, he will inform Charlene Dorsell that her husband is never going to get better about covering his disappointment about their sex life and just appreciate what he’s getting.
Reach out and touch me at tim.g.stevens@gmail.com or @ungajje on the Twitter. Let me know what you love and what you hate. And please, do spread the word.
Writer's Commentary: Sleep to Dream
Date: January 3
Find it here
Sometimes the order of these things can mess me up. In this case, since I had done a dream related piece only two days earlier ( Wake Up Bomb) I did not want to replicate that. If I had drawn this song a couple of weeks later, I probably would have done it as a companion piece to that first entry from the perspective of one of the Reverii; a piece that revealed how not good it was to be one of the people fueling the city with your dreams. Alas, the randomness of this is part of the “fun” and certainly challenge of it so I had to suck it up and let that idea go. I just didn’t feel it was right to go back to that well so quickly…nothing against the rules about it but it was not really in the spirit of things.
So instead I focused on the obvious breakup aspect of Apple’s song. In her piece, she is sort of playing both sides of what we have happening here. She is almost arguing with herself, presenting herself lyrically as calm, cool, and collected while simultaneously taking on an angry tone that makes it clear she is anything but. The piece has that angry scream aspect embodied by the devastated Ginny and the “hey calm down, it’s over but you don’t have to be so reactive” lyrics personified by Cassandra.
Because it was Fiona Apple arguing with herself, I wanted to make it a same sex relationship. It was not until afterwards that I thought about the stereotypes regarding gay and lesbian relationships involving overly emotional outbursts. I think/hope that Cassie obvious detachment is enough to balance out Ginny’s explosiveness, but I am not sure. That might just be my privilege talking there. In any case, I did think about it post, did not intend it to promote such stereotypes, and ultimately decided that my intent was not to do that, I do not believe these stereotypes, and that I presented the other side of that same sex dyad as different enough as to make it clear that Ginny’s outburst was not “typical” or “normal” for lesbians in the world of the story.
January 10, 2012: Woodburning
Rolls off bed to standing position on floor, begins pacing a little and throwing the ball between his hands. He misses during one back and forth and the ball bounces across the floor and under the bed.
Damn it!
He quickly crawls under the bed and grabs the wall. When he comes back out he stays on the floor, sitting up against the side of the bed.
Yes, that was a bit of an extreme response. I know that. I’m working on it in therapy.
It’s just…I really fucking hate my first night in a new group home. They always sound and smell a little strange and I can’t sleep and…it just sucks. In a week, won’t bother me at all. Won’t even notice. But now, tonight…nothing feels right
Starts throwing the ball again, this time at a different wall.
I aged out of the last place. No room for a 16 year old, apparently. I don’t know if that’s true or they just said it because they were worried about me offending with this 12 year old they had moving in, but…whatever. I wouldn’t have done anything, but…I guess I wouldn’t trust me either.
See, the messed up
Pauses, corrects himself.
The FUCKED UP thing about your older cousin messing around with when you are just 4 is that you start to think it’s okay…it’s normal. So, when DYFS finally catches us and sends you packing because your mom was always too stoned to stop it, you think that’s just the way it is. You know your cousin liked you, seemed like a cool guy, so you figure, hey, this guy’s cool, why wouldn’t we take our clothes and rub on each other.
Stops for a moment, breathes out hard, clearly uncomfortable and embarrassed.
That’s what my therapist says anyway. Wants me to know it is no excuse, it’s still not okay, but that I should know that that kind of early childhood trauma literally changes the way your mind works.
Which is great I guess. I have a reason for doing the stuff I’ve done,
Whips the ball at the wall much harder. It bounces around, ends up in the corner farthest away. He waves it off like he’s done with it.
The thing that really pisses me off is I was doing well at the last place. I got along with the staff. I hadn’t been hospitalized in almost a year.
Man, I even did my chores on time basically every day. Not Saturday because that’s just dumb. I gotta sleep!
But, yeah, I was like the model con. If it was prison, I’d get time off for good behavior. Instead they send me here, completely fucking up my rhythm.
And now that I’m 16, I cannot afford to do anything stupid or I’ll catch a charge. So I ask you, would you send a kid with a history of being abused and abusing others who is finally showing signs of developing skills and addressing behavior issues away? In what world does that make any damn sense? It’s like they already wrote me off, you know?
He stands back up and paces some more, making air quotes.
‘Well, Wallace is a lost cause anyway. He’s going to go to jail regardless of what we do so who cares if he does it from this group home or another one.’
He flops back down on his bed and shakes for a moment, hands over his face as if silently sobbing.
The thing is, I really don’t blame them. If I was them and I was looking at my file…hell, I wouldn’t have taken me in the first place. And you know what? That would’ve been fine. I get that. But to take me in, to treat me nice, to help me? And then… AND THEN, to push me out?
He shakes his head, stands, and turns off the light.
That’s what’s fucked up.
Reach out and touch me at tim.g.stevens@gmail.com or @ungajje on the Twitter. Let me know what you love and what you hate. And please, do spread the word.
Writer's Commentary: Wake Up Bomb
This story was birthed from two disparate parts. The first was the title. What exactly would a Wake Up Bomb do? What would it accomplish? What’s the advantage of a bomb that wakes people up? The only thing I could come up with was the idea that people’s dreams had power, which then became literal, and that one group was trying to mine that power and another was trying to interfere with that. So it was already clear there were going to be sci-fi overtones.
January 9, 2012: Capital G
Track Number: 7
“Well, rich people in general, but, yeah, basically.”
“That’s about the size and shape of it. Yup. Are you still weak willed, unwilling to see how people take advantage of the system at the cost of society productive members?”
“Sounds accurate.”
“And you continue to be so naïve that you can’t see the government stifles creativity, ingenuity, and the will to achieve.”
“Oh, you know it.”
“So you wanna buy a bottle and go get polluted at dad’s grave?”
“Can we bring overpriced chicken nachos?”
“Just try and stop us.”
And so they went. For booze, nachos, and reminiscing. And no talk of politics.