Writer's Commentary: Both Sides of the Story
For those who don’t know what I am talking about, the links above makes things a bit clearer. To summarize, earlier in the Project, we went inside The Hot House. There we met a somewhat uncomfortable gentleman who was visiting such an institute for the first time courtesy of the tune “But It’s Better If You Do.”
Then came this song. From the title, I was already thinking of presenting the “opposite perspective” of an earlier entry. But which one made sense? For that, I looked to the lyrics.
For those not from the hip hop community—and thus, not truly appreciative of Collins’ genius—it revolves around people encountering the “undesirables of society” and getting their perspective on why they are homeless alcoholics or gun wielding muggers. So I looked at my entries for unsavory types. There were a few: a stalker-y esque, a pair of parents rupturing their marriage in front of their kids, nasty bosses, an arrogant, emotionally wounded super villain, and so on. Worthy candidates to be sure. However, I still had the exotic dancer kicking around my head and thought this was the place for her.
Interestingly, I had a lot more ideas that what came out on the page. I wanted to have her talk about her parents either not knowing or pretending not to know what she was doing and her brother sort of passively condemning her for it. But it didn’t fit naturally into the pace of the piece and I was not willing to violate the principle of the Project to extensively edit the piece to hit all those beats. So I miss not having that, but I think, on the whole, it was for the best.