The Tuesday List: Terms to Know to Survive Super Bowl Sunday
Several of my readers are the types to call Football "Sports Ball." This is terrible. Don't be this kind of person.
That said, I get it. Sports isn't for everyone. And then the Super Bowl comes along (yeah, I said Super Bowl, NFL. COME AT ME!) and you are stuck having to sit through the longest football game in human history just to access the greasy food, the halftime show, and whatever the coolest movie trailer of the game is going to be.
I got you though. First, no "sports ball." I'm serious! Second, don't bring up "Last Man." It's a dumb competition that glorifies ignorance and the idea that avoiding something popular makes you cool.
And then, use these terms.
Terms to Use to Survive the Super Bowl
Yards after catch
Protecting the passer
Creating separation
Moving the ball
Running downhill
Keeping their defense off the field
Shredding the other team's defense
Hurrying the passer
Stifling the run
Hard hits
Punishing hits
Making them cough up the ball
Use these terms paired with "We need to do more of" when discussing the team you are cheering for. When you are discussing the other team use something like "We really need to stop them from," or something to that effect.
That's it. no go out there this weekend and have a great time.
Watching the Super Bowl!