Last Week in the Links: 01/29-02/04/2018
Can you know peace without justice? I suspect not. But I do know for sure you can't know where exactly to find all my stuff from last week without LINKS!!!!!
This is Bella Thorne in YOU GET ME. She's pretty, right? Ha, more like pretty DEADLY! HEy-o! UP TOP! What? She's playing a femme fatale. Still not funny? Well fine then. (
This Site!
It's too late for this year now, but print up last week's The Tuesday List of football terms and study it to be ready for next year's Super Bowl.
The January Project section is below, but on the main page, I offered up the best of this year's The Project--and the single worst--for your reading pleasure.
The January Project!
The week began with the Writer's Commentary of Week 4 and concluded with the Commentary of the final three stories.
An ex-boyfriend shows up with proof that he is not "Insignificant" and she turns him away because he's still toxic, genius or not.
Dumb and delightful, "Blue" is the poem you need to lift the blues. Ironic, no?
The last story is all about keeping "Appointments" even the unwritten one that tells Riley it is time to break up with her girlfriend Maya.
Other Sites!
This is a week old, but it is still tasty fresh! I guested on Megan Tripps "Not Another Bad Movie Podcast" to discuss YOU GET ME the latest FATAL ATTRACTION for teens, following in the footsteps of the likes of FEAR and SWIMFAN, but not as good as either.
I wax philosophic on why comics fans especially love the allure of an alternate post-apocalyptic universe story in my ComicsVerse column.
Some angry supposed DCEU fans want to sink BLACK PANTHER via its Rotten Tomatoes audience score. I try to explain why that idea won't work and is bad, also at ComicsVerse.