Last Week in the Link: 6/5-6/11/2017
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The Universal Monsters are icons, so I did the natural thing and ranked them so you know which ones matter and which ones you don't have to care about at all in last week's Tuesday List.
Monsters remain the theme was I prep for The Mummy in Throwback Thursday by looking back on People Like Us and Mission: Impossible III.!
Jennifer Walters has gone through some changes lately so the former She-Hulk who just goes by Hulk these days stops by the Psych Ward to start processing.
Writer Jim Zub and I sat down to strategize how the Uncanny Avengers can escape the Darkforce dimesion.
A second Psych Ward of the week features adult time travelling Wiccan returning to visit his favorite therapist.
Hydra's Heroes end the week in the spotlight as Tom Brevoort tells me how and why they've aligned with Cap.