Last Week in the Links: 12/4-12/10/2017
What's the best kind of sausage? It's just gotta be...LINKS!
She matched her highlights to her lipstick to her costume and you're out here trying to figure out if your socks are supposed to match your shoes or your pants. (
This Site!
Republicans voted for a very regressive tax bill that could herald very bad news for most of the U.S. population. Considering that, why would they do it? I try to answer by pointing to eight groups they are counting on marching to their beat.
My older sister turned 40 last week & that combined with a recent Filmspotting episode inspired me to do a Tuesday List about the five best years for movies in the past 40.!
Bombshell is a former teen villain who is the daughter of a current adult super villain. That's gotta be hard to navigate. So, no surprise, she paid a visit to the Psych Ward.
Gamora stopped by the Ward as well to discuss her dead ex-boyfriends who are now suddenly returning to life.
Iron Fist has a brand new enemy so I talked to Ed Brisson all about it.
The X-Men are about to fight a god. What's that all about? I have the answers on
I showed up on Comics Will Break Your Heart to talk about Unknown Soldier and argue against it as a bit of nihilistic comic booking.