Last Week in the Links: 10/30-11/05/2017
I have the sniffles, but you get the LINKS!
This Site!
THOR RAGNAROK opened in theatres Friday in the ol' USofA and I took advantage of the moment to rank Marvel's Thors in the Tuesday List. And before you scoff, there are eleven of them.!
Writer Matthew Rosenberg and I discussed fashion--his and Mr. Sinister's--and the villain's plans for the SECRET WARRIORS.
In one of my favorite recent assignments, Al Ewing and I provided a tour brochure to the greatest small town in the galaxy, Glenbrook, a not at all Archie-esque suburban dwelling from US AVENGERS.
I speak to the composers of the VENOMVERSE Claymation shorts music about their craft, their past, and their future.
Matthew Rosenberg won the lottery because he got to speak to me a second time, this time about Punisher donning the War Machine armor although we both agreed only Rhodey will ever be War Machine.
It's Jedi v Jedi in MACE WINDU and writer Matt Owens told me all about the moral ambiguity of the STAR WARS Universe.