The Tuesday List: 10 Other Movies DC Might Try
Someone reached out to me and asked why, in the week where JUSTICE LEAGUE hits theatres, was I talking about Spider-Man spinoffs. Now I could’ve said “Because I’ll do what I want with my own website and time,” or I could’ve pointed them to the JUSTICE LEAGUE list I did last month, but I am an adult and I will act like an adult.
Then I read the JUSTICE LEAGUE reviews and they’re…less than stellar. With DC and Warner Bros already backtracking on the idea of an interconnected series of movies ala the MCU, I forgive this is yet another step towards breaking up the DCEU. But let’s assume they still make movies because super hero movies are still king at the box office, they just ditch the idea of a “universe.” What movies should they make?
Well I’m glad you asked. Let me give you…
10 DC Movies Warner Bros Can Make The Don’t Worry About Being Part of A Universe (but Still Could Be, I Guess)
I call this one the duality of being (
1.) Martian Manhunter- Part noir/cop drama, part stranger in a strange land, J’onn J’onzz tries to adapt to life on Earth while hiding his true alien self and helping search for a killer on the streets of Denver, Colorado.
Yeah he is! (
2.) Aztek- You say you want some whimsy with your darkness? Allow me to introduce you to the naïve new hero of Vanity, the sickest city in the United States. Aztek was raised by warrior monks, has impeccable morals, and continues to be amazed by the world outside his heretofore limited experiences. Vanity is a city built to drive its residences to crime, madness, and death. Can Aztek be its hero or will it destroy him like it does to everyone else?
Sorry about the dude in the background. (
3.) Birds of Prey- Women are horribly under-represented here and I hope this partially addresses it. A collection of great women characters under the direction of a former super hero who turned a paralyzing injury into a success by becoming the greatest hacker in the world take on problems big and small in the DCU.
Someone make this for me as a Halloween costume! (
4.) Hourman- Hourman is an android from more than 800 centuries from now. Snapper Carr is a guy who brush with super heroes left him crippled with shame and has caused him to be an underachieving slacker. Together they’ll learn how to be human and how to get off the mat, all while discovering the joys of coffee, cheesecake, and novelty t-shirts. A comedy with giant stakes. A super hero movie with great laughs. Either way, make it! you all think I could pull off that jacket? (
5.) Checkmate- International affairs meets super heroes as the Checkmate organization jockeys with other world powers to maintain the United States super power superiority and fights with one another for internal power and control of the organization. Could even be a backdoor way to subtly reboot Suicide Squad.
This is how everyone dressed in the early 90s. (
6.) Icon- Conservative alien who presents as a Black man teams up with a young black teenage girl with a very different political perspective. In a perfect world, it would enable Warner Bros to bring lots of Milestone heroes to the screen, but one step at a time.
I wish I had a robot when I was a teenager. (
7.) Stargirl- Teenage girl inherits a legacy she is not entirely clear on but wants to do her family proud and help people. Stepdad who can no longer fight in the field but wants to help builds her a robot partner he can control remotely. Lots of fun, lots of sweet family drama.
It's got to be hard to jetpack with a gun that ginormous in your left hand. (
8.) Adam Strange- Think Thor Ragnarok meets the Rocketeer meets John Carter of Mars. Human jetpack man gets transported to an incredible alien world, battles an oppressive government, wins the heart of a woman.
The movie would not have this many characters. (
9.) Legion- So…not really a fan of the Legion, personally, but I know it is beloved by many and there is a ton of ways to go with it. Go all out as a kids’ animated feature ala BIG HERO SIX. Go live action as a far sci-fi super hero adventure. Even get a little dark with a “Five Years Later” style Legion. So many ways to go.
10.) Mister Miracle- The world’s greatest escape artist is pulled out of his life as a celebrity and personality by his pseudo-father Darkseid and must escape an incredible trap in time to stop Darkseid from spreading the Anti-Life Equation and beginning to enslave the universe because of its message of hopelessness.