Last Week in the Links: 10/27-11/2/2014
On This Site
The week got rolling with a (now passed) controversy about my hometown's policy on Halloween celebrations in elementary school. I talk all about it in my unabashed leftie way.
The Tuesday List reviewed Christopher Nolan's filmography. Hint: Dark Knight Rises does not fare well.
Beholding Bigelow goes back in time in Northern New England to struggle to stay awake during The Weight of Water.
You consume content like younger people--with nothing held back. Admirable but mistaken! (photo from
The Rest of the Internet
Darkhawk and Sleepwalker are deeper and more important than you might have thought. I explore that reality in the name of charting the evolution of the teen heroes in the 90's at
LeBron James is back where he belongs (so Ohioans tell me) & Marvel, in cooperation with ESPN, commemorated the occasion with a Spider-Man homage cover for the latest issue of ESPN the magazine.
After debuting as a pinup, Blue Ear gets his first comic, a team-up with Iron Man and a brand new character.
Coming This Week
We finally get to those movie reviews (sorry!).
Beholding Bigelow goes into the deep with a Russian sub in K19: Widowmaker.
The Tuesday List takes a break from directors to visit the X-Files for a bit.