The Tuesday List: Christopher Nolan's Films, Ranked

Christopher Nolan's Films, in Order of Quality (Objective), Worst to Best

8.) Following

7.) Insomnia

6.) The Dark Knight Rises

5.) The Prestige

4.) Batman Begins

3.) The Dark Knight

2.) Memento

1.) Inception

"And I'm more scared than her, and then... everything's clear. There's no turning back. After that, I was Gajje. Real Gajje." (photo from

"And I'm more scared than her, and then... everything's clear. There's no turning back. After that, I was Gajje. Real Gajje." (photo from

Christopher Nolan’s Films, in Order of Preference (Subjective), Least to Most Favorite

8.) The Dark Knight Rises

7.) Insomnia

6.) Batman Begins 

5.) Following 

4.) The Prestige

3.) The Dark Knight 

2.) Inception

1.) Memento

"That's why every magic trick has a third act, the hardest part, the part we call Un Gajje." (photo from

"That's why every magic trick has a third act, the hardest part, the part we call Un Gajje." (photo from