Last Week in the Links: 10/16-10/22/2017

A little bit slower last week to cool the engine a bit. And yet, still, LINKS!

Look how hip and current. (

Look how hip and current. (

This Site!

With Dean Devlin's first full-length theatrical effort--GEOSTORM--hitting screens last week, the Tuesday List ranked the films he produced. It was a wildly popular Tuesday List, I promise you that.!

Last week was all Psych Wards all the time as I profiled two of the most challenging cases in the Marvel Universe.

First up was the yellow-skinned TV obsessive Mojo that some people seemed to feel was a a reference to a certain orange skinned TV obsessive from our world but I can't imagine where they ever got that idea. *wink*

Second, I give you...FORBUSH MAN! And if you know him then, well, you know what's up.


Nerds Chatting kicked off their discussion of death in comics with my pick for the last death that really affected. You don't hear my voice but you get to hear a resident of the British Isles say my words so...sexiness off the charts!