Last Week in the Links: 10/09-10/15/2017

My love language is....LINKS!

Pictured (front to back): Patriot, Falcon, Me before I put my face on in the morning. (

Pictured (front to back): Patriot, Falcon, Me before I put my face on in the morning. (

This Site!

Last week was pretty quiet on the Western front but I did find the time for speculating about which secret super hero will be revealed in the Justice League movie in my Tuesday List. I took the topic very seriously, as you'll see.!

And here's why! Six Marvel stories!

My good best comics friend Al Ewing talks to me about why the Royals are so dangerous with their backs to the wall.

Robbie Thompson, my good SECOND best comics friend, talked to me about taking over SPIDER-MAN/DEADPOOL and why these two are feuding.

Jim Zub isn't good best friend of mine but he's a good interview so he gladly let me talk to him about the Juggernaut and the future of Unity Squad.

Gwenpool takes on Dr. Doom, which isn't a great choice under the best of circumstances. Gwenpool is not under the best of circumstances. Christopher Hastings discusses that reality with me.

In the most fun I've had writing a listicle in awhile, I cataloged (nearly) all of Marvel's dangerous artifacts.

Falcon has a new partner and my favorite new interview person, writer Rodney Barnes, gives me the 411.


I argue why the time is long past for comic book fans to acknowledge a lot of LCSs are not the most welcoming places and work on making them a wider sanctuary at Nation of Nerds.