Last Week in the Links: 5/18-5/24/2015
Those of you Stateside, Happy Memorial Day. Please make sure you celebrate through great solemnity, no merriment, and putting other shaming memes on your Facebook walls that make people feel bad for appreciating their day off and spending time with friends and family in something other than a grey cloud of despair.
Those not Stateside or lacking Facebook, you may not know what I am talking about. Sorry for the digression.
Let's get to my stuff, shall we?
On The Site
Horror can be horrifying. Or horrible.
This isn't pun work, this is wordplay.
Anyway, on the horrible/horrifying continuum no flicks seem as poised to fail as remakes, so I put together a Tuesday List of good ones. Enjoy.
You may have heard Mad Men ended. Or that Taylor Swift released a new music video. I explore two related themes (loving series finales, saying Ms. Swift is hideous) in the inaugural "Musings on Pop Culture."
One new feature arrived as an old one returned: Flashback Friday! First on the docket, doing the prep for next Friday's SAN ANDREAS and ALOHA.
The Rest of the Internet
SECRET WARS continues to swallow all in its great gaping maw. I interview Robbie Thompson, writer of SILK, to see how it will affect that other spider bite victim of the Marvel U in her LAST DAYS.