Last Week in the Links: 12/1-12/7/2014
On This Site
I was a poor steward of my site last week so all I have to offer you is The Tuesday List, but it is a good one, I promise. Twenty-five movies from the year I graduated high school that mean something to me.
On a related note, it is possible I have seen too many movies.
Brad Pitt, shredded like lettuce. Not to make you feel bad about yourself or anything. (photo from
The Rest of the Internet
As Marvel 75 enters this century, we recap things that seemed to happen just a breath ago. In this case, that means I am looking back on Civil War. No mere plot synopsis though, I consider the blockbuster storyline through the lens of exposed secret identities and Marvel's particular focus on that subject during that period.
People seem to love when Deadpool comes by the Psych Ward to menace's Resident Therapist so they'll probably love this week's installment, even if DP is feeling a bit zen. Plus, I analyze an inverted Storm. It's two super powered characters acting very much unlike themselves for the price of one!
Coming This Week
Let's just all be surprised together, shall we?