Writer's Commentary: Shot at the Night

On Post: Shot at the Night

Date: January 22, 2014

Find it here

In total, this song is about striving for a perfect kind of moment, for seizing the night, as it was.

In the video, a maid runs off for a night of fun and, apparent, first love with a trio of seemingly far well off than her 20-somethings. In order to do so, it looks like she might’ve abandoned her job mid-shift, although I confess I’m not sure how many hotels send maids to do cleaning in the middle of the night.

For whatever reason, this stuck in my head and I imagined a trashed Vegas room waiting for someone to come clean in it. In combining the message of the song with my picture of a destroyed room, I somehow ended up with a guy lying amongst the ruins of his apartment having evidently wrestled with the question of where his place in the world is and wrecked his apartment in the offing. Sadly, as the monologue reveals, not even that level of property damage brought him answers.
