Text Blocks

This is a sample of paragraph text created with the text editor. The editor provides a way to emphasize or make a word or phrase strong. Also, you can create a link very easily. Headings, lists and quotes are there too.

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Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis

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Summary Blocks

The Feed
My Best of... 2024! Films Edition!

January brings one of my favorite things on Earth: lists of favorite/best stuff from the previous year. We conclude, as we always must, with a trip to the multiplex to check out the Best Films of 2024 including the likes of Heretic, A Different Man, Thelma, and Challengers. Plus the Worst of 2024 and the Most Anticipated of 2025!

My Best of... 2024! Albums Edition!

January brings one of my favorite things on Earth: lists of favorite/best stuff from the previous year. Fire up the turntable and get your graphic equalizers settings how you like them as we listen to Bastille, Charlie XCX, The Vaccines, Maggie Rogers, and more in the Best Albums of 2024!

My Best of...2024! Comics Edition!

January brings one of my favorite things on Earth: lists of favorite/best stuff from the previous year. Come on and leap into the four-color world of trades, hardcovers, and floppies as I walk you through my Best Comics of 2024 including Daredevil (but not the one you think), Youth Group, Pine and Merrimac, and some robots in disguise!

My Best of...2024! Television Edition!

January brings one of my favorite things on Earth: lists of favorite/best stuff from the previous year. Time to grab a seat on the couch and fire up the flat screen with the Best TV of 2024! Including: Evil! Silo! Say Nothing! One Day! And more!

My Best of...2024! Songs Edition!

January brings one of my favorite things on Earth: lists of favorite/best stuff from the previous year. Here are the Best Songs of 2024, including tracks from bbno$, Sabrina Carpenter, Idles, Brittany Howard, and Paramore.

My Best of...2024! Books Edition!

January brings one of my favorite things on Earth: lists of favorite/best stuff from the previous year. Here I bring you my Best Books of 2024 including works by Chris Nashawaty, Kelly Link, Alonso Duralde, and Sloane Crosley.